Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gotta Start Somewhere!

First rope corset and Knotty Boys Pentagram harness.

So I'm gonna start with photos. Photos are FUN, right? Pretties to look at, stories behind each and every one. But there'll be more. No worries. It's been about 25 years since anyone shut me up for long (and they're missing a few fingers, so don't get any ideas). There will be wordage, oh yes- there will be wordage.

Here's the Knotty Boy video I learned this tie from:

There are all kinds of these vids on YouTube and floating around the internet- simple, fun, pretty things you can work up for a night out on the town or wear under your UtiliKilt for kicks or just to have something different to say the next time someone asks you what you wear under that thing.

Happy Accident~it matches the blog's color scheme! In it goes.

Princess says she looks like she's bound for a 
Satanic sacrifice in the 20s in this one. 

  I consider myself a beginning intermediate in the rope bondage department (so many kinks, so little time. and funds.). I recently heard it said at a meeting with other rope enthusiasts that rope should be considered high risk edge play and that if it weren't for the fact that SO many people are SO into it, it would likely be banned at parties and the like. You might want to keep that in mind and just, ya know, approach with some preparation. Never a bad idea when things like circulation are involved.

Rope Was Here

 I would definitely consider rope suspension a very advanced form of play and as such (and like anything involving gravity and being *hung* above a hard floor) high risk. In my beginning-intermediate opinion, basic things like the kind of tie done in these photos, along with single and double column bondage and the like, can be studied up on and practiced pretty safely as long as you follow some basic rules and have some good scissors handy. So don't go tying someone up without learning the basics as well as standard safety precautions. Course, I tend to approach just about any new kind of play that way anyway. I'm not against hurting people (heh), but only when I mean to hurt them and they've given me permission. Damage isn't on the table. Let's not.

And here. . .  the after marks are so purdy.

 After marks are one of the nicest things about taking rope OFF. The sight of my darlin's flesh striated with the memory of rope... well, it's like a rope hickey. "Morgan Was HERE". There's something primaly satisfying about it.

arsty fartin around
There is SO much more I want to tell you about rope. Next couple of weeks I'll share some photos from some of my favorite riggers, as well as some good books to start with, a little history, finding or starting a rope group of your own, and suggestions for practicing when you don't have a willing tie-ee handy (maybe even some suggestions for how to find yourself a willing tie-ee or tie-er. It's not necessary, but most of us think it's a lot more fun that way). Unexplored resources abound. Rope is such a warm, friendly way to warm up our psychic perve muscles. We'll get back to it. Onward, upward, and inward.....

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